Today 13rd August 2018. I didn't have scheduled for today, classes were suspended, teachers and students badly affected by flooded. I just stayed at home to prepared my topics for next meeting.
Stay safe.
Student name : Nanang Adrianto Sending University : Halu Oleo University Receiving University : Roosvelt College Inc Subject Teaching : Physics blog address : Hello everyone. My is Nanang Adrianto student from Halu Oleo University. i am one of the participants SEA-TEACHER Project batch 6. I Would like to share my experience during this project, i hope you enjoy and be inspired with my story. LETS GO. ...
Student name : Nanang Adrianto Sending University : Halu Oleo University Receiving University : Roosvelt College Inc, Subject Teaching : Physics blog address : Hello, My name is Nanang Adrianto. I'm SEA-Teacher partisipant from UHO (Halu Oleo University). my major is physics education, i'm the only one participant from my major in this project (SEA-TEACHER BATCH 6). What is SEA-Teacher Project? It's a Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia). It was program that held by SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization). This project aims are to provide opportunity for pre-service student teachers from...
Before we teaching we have to make our learning plan first. It the same condition in Indonesia. Learning plan is really important when we teach. Learning plan can make our learning process has direction and the purpose of learning can be achieved. ROOSVELT COLLEGE INC.l Secondary Education Department (Junior High School) LEARNING PLAN School Year 2018 – 2019 SCHEDULE Date : August 31, 2018 Grade Level : 9 Learning Area: Physics STANDARDS Content Standard : The learner must be able to demonstrate understanding of the Newton’s first law (Inertia) . Performance Standard : The learner must be able to apply Newton’s first laws (Inertia) Enduring Understanding/s : 1. The r elationship ...
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